is a creator working at the intersection of art, design and technology.

Almost Everyone_pop up

2018 • WORKS

The previous installation entitled Almost Everyone introduced the terribly high number of interventions during childbirth in Hungary. This pop up version was made on the occasion of a demonstration called Ne árts! Ne vágj át! (Don't hurt! Don't cut!) organized by the activist group "Másállapotot a szülészetben!". The mission of the movement of professionals and activists is to bring about a joint change at the level of the individual, the care system and society to realize women-oriented care in childbirth in Hungary.

The installation meant to emphasize the message of the event by representing some of the key data of the most important issues.

13 October 2018, Budapest

Thanks Linda Roszík Másállapotot activist for the invite and providing the data and for Eszter Bircsák for the setting up.


Instagram: melindasipos Email: