is a creator working at the intersection of art, design and technology.

Lift Workshop@Hungary:Eastern Quartier

2010 • Kitchen Budapest 2007-2012

Departing from this context Lift Workshop@Hungary : Eastern Quartier addressed the possibilities of new technologies in the socio-cultural periphery of a changing post-industrial urban landscape. It turned this particular locality and its challenges into the centre of the attention of architects, artists, social scientists from the region and from regional media labs with the objective to explore and connect with recent discussions regarding urban computing and situated technologies and extend the discourse to specific regional issues and problems. The aim of the workshop was to explore the implications of urban information systems for architecture and urban design, disciplines that have been largely absent from the mostly technologist-driven discussions of "ubiquitous" computing but nevertheless can provide new insights and alternative perspectives on the implications of “networked objects” for urban culture, newly emerging spatial practices and organizational forms. During the workshop participants developed responses, scenarios applicable to Eastern Quartier and later other urban areas undergoing similar transformation.

Workshop organizers: Attila Bujdosó, Melinda Sipos (Kitchen Budapest) Daniella Huszár, Levente Polyák, Samu Szemerey (KÉK, Contemporary Architecture Center)


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